Friday, April 25, 2008

Meeting for the areas allocation of the new members

Was today!

Since as VPX I don't have a team to manage directly anymore (and I miss that - but now I have much more resources to implement my strategies), I was there to support the exchange coordinators and help in the overall process.

The meeting was very calm, relatively quick (one hour and a half to allocate 35 new members in 11 teams) and well organized. I think that the coordinators were satisfied with their new teamsters!

Tomorrow is learning circle's and acceptance speech event day :D

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Long time no write

These last days have been really busy, specially with college stuff!

This weekend we had our EB team days at Daphne's. It was so perfectly fun it went by in minutes =(. I wish we had more times like these in the EB (too bad even if we want to, there's no time).

Right now I'm catching up with the e-mails that haven't got answered in the meantime.

Other news, we are matching two TN forms, and the chinese trainee finally confirmed his arrival date!!!

Another trainee on the way =)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dinner at Cavanhas

With the trainees, the X coordinators, members from service team, and me!

Was fun :D

Monday, April 14, 2008

after DD

The DD was freakin' really amazing!

I arrived later than the other EBs so I wasn't there during the some trouble that happened in the morning, so I was spared of the small stress.

The first day was really hurried because I had sessions to finish (shame on me...) and it took hours to be able to get to my room and leave my stuff. Also in the first day we had a really good session of BPDF for the leadership team and old members.

Even though I've attended sessions with this content twice, it's very different when it's facilitated by people with both knowledge and experience (in this case, Anna and Rey). The session was interactive, we've got to discuss a lot of those topics. I talked a lot, because leadership theory and sessions with the leadership team are things that I definetely love.

The only thing that annoyed me during the first day is that I was having no contact with the new members, so it wasn't being as fun as I thought it would and also I was afraid I would not get to meet them at all during o___O

But then after the party (... now I could write a lot about the party, but let's leave it for other occasion ...) the second day came by, along with my session!!!

My session, my session :D!!! The chance I had to show up to the new members (in AIESEC, nobody wants to be a stranger to the LC, and this can happen easily if you miss a DD). I had fun facilitating it, I hope they also did.

So overall (because it's late and I have e-mails to send) I'm very glad with the entire selection process and DD outcome. I like the profile of the new members, we have a much bigger structureto allocate them AND we are paying a lot of attention to our team leaders, the choice of an induction coordinator saved a lot of time from the EB, and we ended Q1 with good results.

Now after the DD I feel very glad because things are developing in a very sustainable way. I know we will face unexpected trouble during the year, but I think @PA is in the way to the Best LC of the year award (I really do).

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

AIESEC non-stop

I really can't sleep after the four hours long selection meeting!!! Selecting the new members (and maybe future team leaders and EB) - our human resources for executing strategies, is such an important thing

Anyway, this meeting was probably the most organized, with less personal opinions and more focus on competency and profile evaluations that ever happened in AIESEC Porto Alegre's history. Thank God we let go of the "high potential" blabble and focused much more on people who wants to develop and be developed, to become better professionals but also bringing results.

This was also the second leadership team meeting of this year, and the second time I got to be the session chair. Chairing important sessions with 15 passionate participants is a skill I realized to have this year, and already got twice the chance to try it and improve it :D


Monday, April 7, 2008

April 7th

Can't believe it's April 7th! (I wrote this in my work blog today)

The above image doesn't belong to me, I took it from a japanese band's blog (which is in - you may not believe it but they're all men).

As for today, no big deal. I've attended a meeting with service team coordinator, the member responsible for the hosts and the new trainee to clarify we have to be informed of her whereabouts all the time, specially until she buys her cell phone.

After that, a fun and slightly shorter than usual EB meeting. I'm looking forward to the EB team days a couple of weeks from now because I miss having a lot of time just to be with them talking bullshit!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

My identity...

... changes.

I remember my mood when I filled in my godfather ID for last semester new member's induction.

Now that I have to fill it again, the picture is the same. But the way I feel has changed. I feel more "trashy" but less likely to add a lot of useless data just to sound cool. Maybe lately I'm more on a "work hard, play hard, and talk less" mood.

So here's the current one:

Crazy crazy (...)

After the sudden shocking news we have articulated the plan A and the plan B and throughout the day we kept in contact and kept articulating the main plan and what we would do if something failed.

But in the end it was amazing that everything went fine, at least yesterday.

Also, I did two EP raises. Great :D

Later on I went to the mall with Mare the VPMkt, and we got the bus together; but she missed her stop, so we continued on the bus until the other mall, and there we had some coffee and a lot of chat.

This was the last "free" weekend until a series of weekends full of AIESEC activities.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Partner cocktail and sudden surprise

So, in the evening I met Daphne, Peroni and Rey at our partner's anniversary cocktail. It was absolutely o_______O

Free champaign, and anis liquor, and some colored drinks, and mexican food, and arabian food, and greek food. And people from high society (at least they seemed like that).

But it was very crowded, I left early.

When I got home I turned on the notebook just to check if there were any news and.... OMG THE CHILEAN TRAINEE IS ARRIVING TOMORROW 7:30AM!!!!!

She just told us a few hours ago...

But the great exchange service team will arrange everything in order to provide our usual high quality reception :DDDD

(it'll be a long night, and early morning...)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April 2nd

We're currently running selection process!

Today I've interviewed one candidate. Selecting new members was one of the very unexpected joys of becoming a team leader. This is my second selection process as interviewer, and it's cool to see how my perception has changed!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April 1st

I wonder whether avoiding conflict might sometimes let an uncomfortable situation become a situation out of control...

Anyway, when I checked my mailbox today, it had 37 unread e-mails for me. But it is not as bas as it was in the beginning of my EB term. I try to keep my response time under 5 days. My goal is 24 hours.

Sometimes I don't answer an e-mail because I don't want to confront the situation...

I've written that sentence and then went back to write a confronting e-mail! I'm proud!

Today was a fast day with a lot of moments in which I wish I could split in two.

Next events:
- AMCHAM's amazing competency trainings part II in April 15th (definitely going, the first part was awesome)

Lately, as I face more cool opportunities both in AIESEC and professionally, it also happens that sometimes some of them overlap. Like today, I found out that if I weren't going to CONADE in Friday I would be doing some cool thing at work in that week.

Moreover, there will be a VPX premeeting at CONADE (also meaning all my fellow VPXs are getting the best hotel rooms, and I'll get to stay at the slumps...) and I'm not going to be there. I also couldn't make it to the AIVPX chat today =(

Have I mentioned that I wish I could split in two?